
 🐑Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊人教堂於1935年開放,是Lake Tekapo蒂卡波湖唯一的教堂,石砌的教堂建築線條簡單小巧但莊嚴,也因為Lake Tekapo蒂卡波湖是全世界第一個被UNESCO聯合國教科文組織列為”星空自然保護區”的小鎮,因此更成為了許多攝影愛好者來此以教堂為前景,所拍出的璀璨銀河星空美景。🌌


🐕另外這裡有座Collie sheepdog牧羊犬雕像,是由Mackenzie Country麥肯齊區的居民為了紀念牧羊犬的貢獻而出資請Kaikoura雕刻家Innes Elliott創作,最後Innes Elliott依鄰居名叫Haig的狗狗為雛形耗時15個月完成。


🙌準備要放春假了,願我們能回轉像孩子單純的心,祝大家兒童節快樂!🧒👧 🎊🎉🥳🎁



Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness. Psalm 65:11  

#紐西蘭南島New Zealand South Island


Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊


Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



Church of the Good Shepherd好牧羊



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🪴滋潤人的,必得滋潤。箴言 11:25




📸 IG帳號: @loveherbology






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